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OS Tek


May 20, 2006

OS X Tip of the Day

Everyone knows that Google is the standard for web searches. But did you know that Google provides custom searches just for mac users? It's great for finding OS X related stuff, or I would assume anything to do with macs.
Just click on the title to try it out, or point your web browser to--

May 14, 2006

OS X Tip of the Day

If you are new to OS X, you may be confused as to how to take a screenshot. For most of my career in OS X, I have been opening up the grab app and taking a screenshot that way. Grab is a great app, and it may be an advantage to use grab sometimes, like if you wanted capture just the contents of one window. But many times you just want a quick and easy keyboard shortcut to a screenshot... so here it is... Command-Shift-3. This will take a screenshot and place the .png file on your desktop. More OS X tips to come...

This is my cousin Kailey Roberts!

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Stewie Griffin

Originally uploaded by nroberts2729.
Who Doesn't like Stewie?

star wars ala ascii

Originally uploaded by nroberts2729.
If you want to watch Star Wars via telnet, just type the following into your terminal window for OS X, or your cmd window in Windows.