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OS Tek


December 05, 2005

Direcway SUCKS

OK...Time to vent. I live in the country, and the only way to get broadband is through a satellite service. I know, I know, it's the most expensive and the most frustrating broadband service out there but hey... what choice do I have? For those of you who don't have any experience with this horrific service, here is what I go through.

When I sit down at my computer, I usually start out with a decent speed, Usually about 500kbps give or take. That’s if the weather is good. I know a lot of people in other areas have better speeds at better prices (mine runs $65.00 a month, after the purchase of a $700.00 modem). DAMN, it hurts just typing about it!!! I guess I could handle the weather outages.... and even the ungodly pricing for the hardware and the service, but there is one more catch. The FAP, or Fair Access Policy. This is a "feature" of the service that tracks and limits your usage. On most slow days I can handle it. It's a pain in the ass, but I can handle it. I just watch what I download (NO torrents for me). But here is what really burns my ass. When I log on for the evening... minding my own business... being a good citizen of the net... and my podcasts start to download, and all the sudden WHAM!!! It seems the geniuses at DIRECWAY have decided that I am using too much bandwidth to download my LEGAL content and I'm stuck with 56k for the rest of the night. I mean damn... I'm not even doing anything illegal, and even if I was, I'm paying for the damn service.

What sucks even more, is the cable company has ran the cable all the way to the house next door to me, granted this is about 2000 feet, but still, that’s damn close, and they won’t run it any further!!! As soon as I can get them off their asses at cable company, I’m gonna throw that goddamned dish in a lake. There I said it… I’m done… Goodnight… and goodluck! ☺

OK, one more time.... DIRECWAY SUCKS

December 02, 2005

Abusive New York Camera Store Threatens Blogger

"I will make sure you will never be able to place an order on the internet again." "I'm an attorney, I will sue you." "I'm going to call your local police and have two officers come over and arrest you." Just a few of the fun things I got to hear today from someone who said his name was Steve Phillips over at PriceRitePhoto.

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